As our pets age, their health needs change. It is very important for owners to watch them closely to make sure that they remain healthy. This is especially true with cats, who hide their illness well.
It is also very important that senior pets are examined regularly, even more than once a year if possible. It is necessary to keep an eye on their weight and body condition. Your veterinarian may be able to notice a problem with your pet before you do!
Regular blood work with a urinalysis should be done to review certain values. This will help catch any problems early. It is important to check to make sure that your pets’ kidneys and liver is working properly. You are also looking for early signs of diabetes, cancer, and other potential problems. If possible, a thyroid panel should be done.
Arthritis is a very common problem with older pets. Here at Carolina Integrative Veterinary Hospital, we have many different options to make your senior pet more comfortable.
If you have any questions about the care of your senior pet, please contact us today. One of our dedicated staff will help you answer your questions.